Engenharia Mecânica
HAG Importações Ltda.
 Livros, Periódicos, DVD´s e E-Books
ISBN Author Title Format Pub'd
  0126058113 Martin Sadd Elasticity: Theory, Applications, and Numerics Although there are several books in print dealing with elasticity, many focus on specialized topics such as mathematical foundations, anisotropic materials, two-dimensional problems, thermoelasticity, non-linear theory, etc. As such they are not appropriate candidates for a general textbook. This book provides a concise and organized presentation and development of general theory of elasticity. Complemented by a Solutions Manual and including MatLab codes and coding, this text is an excellent book teaching guide.  Hb set/04
  0750677198 Yung-Li Lee, Richard Hathaway, Jwo Pan & Mark Barkey Fatigue Testing, Analysis, and Design: Theory and Applications is a summary of experimental and analytical techniques that are essential to students and practicing engineers for conducting mechanical component design and testing for durability. There is a serious need for engineers to have an overview on the entire methodology of durability testing and reliability to bridge the gap between fundamental fatigue research and its durability applications.  Hb ago/04
0750651121 Michael Blundell & Damian Harty The Multibody Systems Approach to Vehicle Dynamics part of the Automotive Engineering Series, explains the underlying theory and uses practical examples to describe its use in automotive industry. The applications include: modelling on suspension kinematics, tyre forces, and the generation of full vehicle models for ride and handling test studies. Pb ago/04
  0750660732 Bruce Black Workshop Processes, Practices and Materials 3e distils workshop techniques and technology in a simple and straightforward style, with hundreds of useful illustrations included throughout the book. The third edition of this comprehensive and well-established text has been updated throughout, now featuring end of chapter review questions to aid student learning, and also includes new chapters on Moving Loads, as well as Drawing, Specifications and Data, with expanded material on Safety and Measuring Equipment. Pb mai/04
  0750662751 Cornelius Scheffer & Paresh Girdhar Practical Machinery Vibration Analysis and Predictive Maintenance provides a detailed examination of the detection, location and diagnosis of faults in rotating and reciprocating machinery using vibration analysis. The basics and underlying physics of vibration signals are first examined. The acquisition and processing of signals is then reviewed followed by a discussion of machinery fault diagnosis using vibration analysis. Hereafter the important issue of rectifying faults that have been identified using vibration analysis is covered. Pb mai/04
  0750676035 G.F. Round Incompressible Flow Turbomachines: Design, Selection, Applications, and Theory provides an integrated overview of incompressible flow turbomachines and their design, in this case pumps and turbines. Theory and empirical knowledge of turbomachines are brought together in detail to form a framework for a basic understanding of this complex subject. A step-by-step approach is used by means of solved problems at the end of each chapter to accomplish this. Hb mai/04
  0750662530 W. Bolton Higher Engineering Science 2e aims to provide students with an understanding of the scientific principles that underpin the design and operation of modern engineering systems. It builds a sound scientific foundation for further study of electronics, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering. Pb fev/04
0750677651  Loren Lutes  Random Vibrations: Analysis of Structural and Mechanical Systems covers the behavior of structural and mechanical systems when they are subjected to unpredictable, or random, vibrations. These vibrations may arise from natural phenomena such as earthquakes or wind, or from human-controlled causes such as the stresses placed on aircraft at takeoff and landing. Study and mastery of this topic enables engineers to design and maintain structures capable of withstanding random vibrations, thereby protecting human life. Hb jan/04
  0750650583  M Farrashkhalvat  Basic Structured Grid Generation: With an introduction to unstructured grid generation provides the necessary mathematical foundation required for the successful generation of boundary-conforming grids and will be an important resource for postgraduate and practising engineers. Pb 2003
0125031637  Michael Modest  Radiative Heat Transfer 2e Every chapter offers uncluttered nomenclature, numerous worked examples and a large number of problems. The book’s 22 chapters cover the four major areas in the field: surface properties; surface transport; properties of participating media; and transfer through participating media. Within each chapter, all analytical methods are developed in substantial detail and a number of examples show how the developed relations may be applied to practical problems. Hb 2003
0750657715  Peter Childs Mechanical Design 2e introduces the subject of total design, and introduces the design and selection of various common mechanical engineering components and machine elements. These provide ‘building blocks’, with which the engineer can practice his or her art. Pb 2003
The Fundamentals of PET and SPECT
0750658665  G.R. Liu  Finite Element Method: A Practical Course Written for engineers and students alike, the aim of the book is to provide the necessary theories and techniques of the FEM for readers to be able to use a commercial FEM package to solve primarily linear problems in mechanical and civil engineering with the main focus on structural mechanics and heat transfer. Fundamental theories are introduced in a straightforward way, and state-of-the-art techniques for designing and analyzing engineering systems, including microstructural systems are explained in detail. Pb 2003
0750657618  Alan Darbyshire  Mechanical Engineering: BTEC National Option Units has been designed as a full programme of study for the most popular mechanical engineering option units followed by students on Mechanical Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering and Operations & Maintenance BTEC National Certificate and National Diploma courses.. Pb 2003
0750654066  David Salmon  Mechanical Engineering: Level 2 NVQ A thoroughly accessible and engaging workbook-style text, ideal for all NVQ students, including Foundation Modern Apprentices. A highly readable text is supported by numerous assignments provided to build up a portfolio of evidence. Designed so that students can complete the blanks this book can be used as evidence for assessment purposes and as an essential reference guide for their subsequent employment. Pb 2002
  0750652284  John Bird  Mechanical Engineering Principles introduces mechanical principles and technology through examples and applications – enabling students to develop a sound understanding of the principles needed by professional engineers and technicians. No previous background in engineering is assumed and theoretical concepts are supported by over 600 problems and worked examples. Pb 2002
0122896769  Howard Goodfellow  Industrial Ventilation Design Guidebook addresses the design of air technology systems for the control of contaminants in industrial workplaces such as factories and manufacturing plants. It covers the basic theories and science behind the technical solutions for industrial air technology and includes publication of new fundamental research and design equations contributed by more than 40 engineers and scientists from over 18 countries. Hb 2001
012471370X  Dan Marghitu  Mechanical Engineer's Handbook was developed and written specifically to fill a need for mechanical engineers and mechanical engineering students throughout the world. With over 1000 pages, 550 illustrations, and 26 tables it is very comprehensive, yet affordable, compact, and durable. The Handbook covers all major areas of mechanical engineering with succinct coverage of the definitions, formulas, examples, theory, proofs, and explanations of all principle subject areas. The Handbook is an essential, practical companion for all mechanical engineering students with core coverage of nearly all relevant courses included.  Hb 2001
  0750652136  Richard Gentle  Mechanical Engineering Systems The authors have taken a highly practical approach within this book, bringing the subject to life through a lively text supported by numerous activities and case studies. Little prior knowledge of mathematics is assumed and so key numerical and statistical techniques are introduced through unique Maths in Action features.
Pb 2001
0121782514  Pijush Kundu  Fluid Mechanics  2e This is the most comprehensive introductory graduate or advanced undergraduate text in fluid mechanics available. It builds from the fundamentals, often in a very general way, to widespread applications to technology and geophysics. In most areas, an understanding of this book can be followed up by specialized monographs and the research literature. Hb 2001
0750650761  J. D. Booker  Designing Capable and Reliable Products offers an introduction to the importance of capability, quality and reliability in product development. It introduces the concept of capable design, focusing on producing designs that meet quality standards and also looks at linking component manufacture and its process capability with failure rates. It provides an introduction to reliable design, incorporating the probabilistic concept of reliability into the product design. Hb 2001
  0125322003  Roger Peyret  Handbook of Computational Fluid Mechanics provides graduate students, scientists, and engineers a well-documented critical survey of numerical methods for fluid mechanics. A state-of-the-art description of computational fluid dynamics is given, taking into account the simultaneous rapid development of numerical analysis, computer technology, and visualization tools. This is done while pointing out the basic foundations that have made possible the extraordinary spread of the discipline; some important theoretical results are also given.  Pb 1999
  0750632623  Roger Timings  Newnes Mechanical Engineer's Pocket Book 2e has been substantially revised to take account of the most recently introduced standards and the newest technology. Always with the emphasis on current engineering practice, this is an exhaustive collection of useful data supported by clear accounts of the fundamental principles, essential for both the modern mechanical engineer and the student of mechanical engineering. Hb 1998
0750642181  E H Smith  Mechanical Engineers Reference Book 12e Experts from academia and industry have contributed sections on their areas of expertise to provide one of the most comprehensive sources of information for engineers. Among the many subjects covered are tribology, nuclear and offshore engineering, health and safety and the many applications of computers in engineering.  Pb 1998
  0884157903 J. Edward Pope  Rules of Thumb for Mechanical Engineers assembles hundreds of shortcuts, calculations, practical "how-to" methods, and concise background reviews into one convenient volume. Whether you're concerned with design, selection, or performance, you'll find fast, accuarate answers here - all without wading through pages of theory.  Pb 1996
  0750619600  James Carvill  Mechanical Engineers Data Handbook provides the student and professional mechanical engineer with a reference text of an essentially practical nature. It is uncluttered by text, and extensive use of illustrations and tables provide quick and clear access to information. It also includes examples of detailed calculations on many of the applications of technology used by mechanical and production engineers, draughtsmen and engineering designers. Pb 1994
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